Bash ‘Shellshock’ Bug – Now You Can Panic
UPDATE: The initial round of patches to fix CVE-2014-6271 have proven ineffective at fully resolving the issue; a new CVE code has been issued, “CVE-2014-7169“, use this to track news and updates...
View ArticleFraudulent VC Emails Targeting Finance Departments
We’ve been made aware of a couple of University finance departments having received fraudulent email requests. The requests advise that the vice-chancellor required assistance with a money transfer...
View ArticleSandworm 0-Day Exploit
Information has been circulating online regarding Sandworm, a vulnerability affecting Microsoft Windows versions from Vista SP2 onward, and Windows Server 2008 onward. Despite the name, the Sandworm...
View ArticleHow To Train Your POODLE part I – Clients
As you may be aware, a serious vulnerability dubbed ‘POODLE’ has been discovered in SSL version 3.0. A successful POODLE attack could allow a malicious person (with network access) to decrypt an...
View ArticleHow To Train Your POODLE part II – Servers and Infrastructure
In our previous blog post, we gave a quick overview of the ‘POODLE’ SSLv3.0 vulnerability, followed by tips for mitigating the risks on client applications. In this post, we will focus our attention on...
View ArticleNew Malware Campaign –‘Dyre’ Banking Trojan
In recent days OxCERT have witnessed a sharp rise in the incidence of emails associated with the ‘Dyre’ banking malware family. This strain of malware concerns itself with the theft of financial data...
View ArticleBodleian Libraries Targeted Phish
OxCERT have received reports of very convincing looking phishing emails appearing to originate from an email address. The phishing emails use the subject “Library Account Access” and...
View Article‘CTB-Locker’ Ransomware Campaign
Over the last several days, Oxford users have reported a growing number of suspicious emails to the OxCERT team; this has coincided with the discovery of a number of personal and University machines...
View ArticleTargeted financial fraud
We were recently alerted to an example of an attempted highly-targeted financial fraud. Now, we see fraudulent emails all the time, but fortunately most are immediately apparent to the recipients. In...
View ArticleCVE-2015-3456 ‘VENOM’– And it was all going so well…
After a relatively long period without a potentially-catastrophic vulnerability to report, we must again break out the hard hats as the numerically-improbable ‘CVE-2015-3456‘ is here and it wants to...
View ArticleFinancial Fraud Targeting University Departments
OxCERT have received an escalating number of reports of highly convincing financial fraud emails directed at University Finance Officers and others responsible for issuing large financial payments....
View ArticleMajor Dridex Banking Malware Outbreak
Beginning Friday and continuing through the weekend, OxCERT’s network security monitoring has picked up an extreme number of PCs infected with the ‘Dridex’ family of banking malware. This malware is a...
View ArticlePhishing campaigns targeting students
Everyone is busy at Christmas. As the old year ends people’s thoughts turn to making plans for traveling, for shopping, for celebrations and for what the new year might hold. We are distracted and...
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